Yorkshire Bioscience DTP

We are very pleased to announce that the launch of a new Yorkshire Bioscience Doctoral Training Partnership (YBDTP), which will be recruiting its first students to start in October 2025. YBDTP is the successor to the White Rose BBSRC DTP, and will expand our work to new partner universities across the Yorkshire region including the universities of Bradford, Hull, Leeds Beckett, Sheffield Hallam and Teesside. YBDTP will have a broader remit than WRDTP, and will focus on supporting bioscience and biotechnology projects that will underpin the development of a vibrant bio-economy in the Yorkshire region. The new partnership will level up access and widen participation to BBSRC-funded doctoral training within Yorkshire and beyond.

Funding for YBDTP comes from BBSRC through the new ‘Doctoral Landscape Award’ scheme, part of an overhauled and unified approach to doctoral funding launched by UKRI in 2024. The schemes build on a rich history of doctoral investments which support discovery-driven research at UK universities. 

Students wishing to apply for YBDTP studentships for October 2025 may do so here: https://app.onlinesurveys.jisc.ac.uk/s/leeds/yorkshire-bioscience-dtp-expression-of-interest-form

A list of available projects is available here.